Get The Attention You Deserve

Oakville's Leader in Personal Training

Tailored 1on1 Programs For Any Goal and Level


In Person Benefits

  At Nova Health Club, our Kinesiology-based coaches focus on your functional movement, improving performance, and optimizing your health in a way best suited for you. Whether you want to increase your energy and feel healthier,   strengthen your core, lose weight, or improve your sport specific skills, our team will design the right individualized personal training program to meet your needs, wants and physical abilities. 


Fitness workouts that are specific to your personal needs, goals and abilities. 


Expert guidance that puts you on the best track towards your destination. 


To keep you motivated and committed while having fun on your fitness journey.


Save time and reach your goals 3X faster than if you did it on your own.

Personalized Fitness Training 

(In Person)

Each personal training journey begins with a health consultation. A comprehensive consultation will focus on your goals, current health, injury and exercise history. The objective is to create a personalized plan that works best for you.   

After your health consultation, your first workout is an Initial Assessment. This is not fitness testing but rather an opportunity to understand your body's movement patterns. The initial assessment evaluates joint mobility and stability, breathing, core function and your ability to perform foundational exercises.

Personal training systems that work:


  1. Rotational Coaching. 
    If you train more than one time a week, you train with two different coaches. Think of it like having two doctors collaborating in your best interest. Both following the same program but each bringing their unique perspective and personality to your sessions.

  2. Progress Tracking.
    This session, done quarterly will evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in different areas of fitness. You will get insight on your progress in areas such as body composition (muscle and fat mass), cardiovascular fitness, agility, core and muscular strength.

  3. Heart Rate Monitoring
    It is mandatory for each member to use a heart rate monitor. The
    benefits of heart rate monitoring include exercise safety, appropriate intensity and biofeedback to learn more how your body responds to exercise.



Types of In Person Training Sessions

  • One on One (1 Hour)
  • One on One (½ Hour)
  • Doubles Training (1 Hour)


Take Your Fitness To The Next Level With

1on1 Personal Training

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Real Results

Check out some of our members and their personal success stories! 

By info 07 May, 2024
Congratulations to Daphne Marisco, our May SuperNova! Daphne is an example of dedication and progress! Over the past 13 months of training with us, she's achieved remarkable milestones: Gained 4lbs of lean muscle while shedding 5lbs of body fat. Progressed from zero to 3 sets of 10 full push-ups. Went from struggling with chin-ups to knocking out 2 unassisted reps. Mastered the art of prioritizing nutrition for optimal performance. All through being consistent, committing to 3 sessions per week for the last year! Daphne's journey embodies the power of persistence and commitment to her health.. Congratulations Daphne for being our SuperNova of the month! Read on to hear our interview with Daphne and some specific strategies she has employed to reach her success! 1) What motivated you to start your fitness journey with Nova Health Club? “A little over a year ago when I started at Nova, my son was two and half years old and the heavier he got, the weaker I felt and I knew I had to make a change. I had never been able to find a new fitness routine that fit my life after becoming a Mom. Right when I found out I was pregnant with my son, the next day the world shut down with the pandemic and like many people, my normal gym schedule was gone. Throw in moving from Montreal to Oakville, and I just didn’t know where to start and couldn’t seem to find a fitness routine I could commit to. When my husband signed up to Nova, he encouraged me to just try it, then there was no looking back and I couldn’t be happier!” 2) Can you share some key strategies or habits that helped you achieve your success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? “Having the dedicated 'me time' three mornings a week to work out while being accountable to show up for my coaches the same way they show up for me is very motivating, especially when first starting back at the gym. I have been able to achieve and exceed some personal fitness goals I set for myself, which also keeps me motivated to keep aiming higher! I love the mix of exercises I get from my coaches which always keeps my body on its toes, and of course Tabatas always test my endurance. I have incorporated a protein shake into my diet after every workout as one of my goals is to increase my muscle mass.” 3)In what ways have you noticed positive changes in areas outside of fitness such as in your mental well-being, energy levels, or overall confidence? “I have noticed positive changes in all aspects of my life! I have so much more energy to get through an early morning workout at Nova, a full day at work, and still have lots of energy to play with my son when I get home, which is truly the best feeling. When I surprise myself at the gym by either lifting heavier, getting lower, going faster or whatever small win it may be, that gives me a boost of confidence that I carry with me throughout other aspects of my life. Having found a fitness routine again provides a source of stress relief when life gets busy, knowing that I will always make time for myself and my health.”
By Nova Health Club 28 Feb, 2024
Congratulations to Sean, our March SuperNova! Sean has trained with Nova for almost 2 years. He has made a lot of progress over his training with us but in the last 6 weeks since joining the LeanDads program he has accelerated his progress and broke through all plateaus. Here is some of the results he has experienced: Weight Loss: Sean was already a lean guy but had that extra ‘10lbs’ that has been hard to get rid of. In 6 wks he went from 186 to 175lbs. Fat Loss: With a few small lifestyle tweaks he dropped his body fat % from 15.5% to now 10.7%. To drop 4% in this time is incredible and it is the lowest it has ever been! Digestion: While fat loss was one of the goals, there was an underlying thing that has been bothering him and that was his digestion. Heartburn, relying on antacids, bloating, and other digestive issues have been a normal part of his life. However, in 6wks his digestive score went from a 4/10 to an 8/10. Running: Feeling better and carrying less weight has made running become easier and much more enjoyable. Read on to hear our interview with Sean and some specific strategies he has employed! 1)What motivated you to start your fitness journey with us 2 years ago? I had never trained or exercised in a particularly organized way – for years I did running as my primary exercise, but I had picked up various nagging injuries that were keeping me from doing it regularly and when I started at Nova I wasn’t running at all because of that. So I started at Nova to try to rehab those injuries, and to try resistance training. And it's been a great experience – I’m back to running regularly (and pain free), I move much better, and I’ve never had the general strength that I have now. 2)In the last 6 weeks, since starting our LeanDads program you have got some amazing results. What are the biggest changes you have noticed through this program? The biggest change has to be the weight loss and change in body composition – I’m amazed at the amount of body weight and body fat that I’ve lost while keeping my general muscle mass. A close second is the improvement in my digestion – I didn’t even realize how much better that could be than it was. For me this has translated into feeling and looking better, and improved athletic performance. I’m excited to continue this and see where it goes! 3)Can you share some key strategies or habits that helped you achieve this success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? I’ve introduced a number of new habits and focused more on things like hydration, but I think the most significant impact has come from the changes I’ve made to my diet – eliminating inflammatory foods (especially gluten), eating regularly, focusing on a balance of macronutrients, and incorporating more vegetables. I’m eating more food than ever, but my body is handling it better and all that food is actually causing me to lose weight. And feeling better has helped me to stay consistent – sticking to the program and avoiding the temptation to have “cheat days”. 4)In what ways has achieving your health goals made a positive impact on your life - for example are there things that you can do now that you were not able to before? Or are there people in your life who you are now better able to serve than before? Being able to run again, and with the progress I’ve made through LeanDads to run better, has been great – I’ve always really enjoyed it, and I’m glad I’m able to do it again and to do it well. And the whole experience at Nova and with the LeanDads program has opened up new goals for me that I want to continue to pursue. 
By Nova Health Club 01 Feb, 2024
Congratulations to Francesco, our February SuperNova! After the winter holidays, Francesco set new goals and targets for himself to achieve in 2024! Since then, he has focused on getting daily purposeful activity in and eating healthy balanced meals. He has lost 8lbs overall, dropped 3.1% body fat and still managed to gain some muscle mass! Even more, he has rehabbed his shoulder and is now pain free and able to enjoy more activities! Great job Francesco, we are pumped to see you maintain this momentum! Read on to hear our interview with Francesco and how he has attained his goals. 1)You’ve hit 2024 running with great stride - what made this year different from past years? I turned 48 this year and I knew it was time to take my health and wellness more seriously, so I set goals, wrote them down, and revisited them once a week. I also had my family set their fitness goals and share them so we could hold each other accountable and support one another throughout our journeys. I also have started using InBody once a week which keeps me on track with my progress. 2)What key strategies or habits can you owe some of your new results to? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that you feel are making a significant difference? I have implemented food Tracking to keeping calories, fat, protein and carbs in check to achieve 2lb/week weight loss. Since back from the holidays, I have had 18 straight days of 2 training sessions at Nova, 2x one-hour cardio sessions on treadmill and elliptical and 3x 30-minute sessions on stationary bike. I have also prioritized getting 7-8 hours of sleep, drinking warm water and lemon first thing in the morning, cutting back on alcohol, no refined sugars, processed foods. I also have been avoiding snacking after dinner and drinking minimum 3 litres of water a day. 3)How do you see these positive changes impact your life beyond these results? For example, what will it help you do that you can’t do now? Who in your life will this have a positive impact on? Overall the results have been very positive. My energy levels are higher, I have a better ability to complete tasks, and my clothes fitting better! I’ve also noticed a huge improvement in family life.
By info 07 Dec, 2023
Celebrate excellence with Bonar Bulger, our Super Nova of the Year at Nova Health Club. Explore his fitness achievements, dedication, and inspiration for a healthier lifestyle.
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Our Process

Your Nova personal training experience begins with a health consultation, centering on your goals and creating solutions for making them easily achievable. From there, your training program commences with each session aligned to those goals and tailored to your body’s specific needs.

Initial Assessment

Your first session utilizes a Functional Movement Screen™ (FMS™) designed to evaluate your movement patterns and identify any potential limitations or imbalances that could lead to injury or hinder progressions.

Program Design

We then devise a plan that outlines the best exercises for you and how these exercises will progress over time, bringing you closer to your goals.


Personal training sessions can be 30 or 60 minutes in length. Each customized workout begins with a warmup that prepares your mind and body followed by exercises that will get you stronger and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Progress Tracking

Every 3 months your coach will evaluate your progress, giving you a better indication of your strengths and weaknesses and clarity on where to go next. Progress tracking considers body composition, cardiovascular fitness, agility, core and muscular strength.

Working With You Through All Stages of Life

 Whether you want to get fit, build strength, improve your sport, lose weight, sleep better or increase energy, we look forward to working with you to help you achieve these goals.

Busy Professionals

We know how hard it is to find time just to workout let alone trying to workout correctly. We save you time by creating efficient workout sessions designed for results.


Fitness training is even more important as you age. We cater to all age groups, helping you maintain mobility and functional strength throughout your years.


Living pain free means living with freedom to do the things you love to do. We focus on both preventive and rehabilitative training so that your body continues to work the way it should.

Parents @ Home

Prioritizing your own health not only enables you to care for others but also sets a positive example for those you hold dear.

Get Your Free Consultation Now

Free consult In Person Training page

Your Personal Training Team

Because everyone needs a coach in their corner to hold them accountable.

Joshua Allen

Josh believes in a holistic approach that begins at home, extends into communities, and ultimately will help to create a better planet.

Zack Fernandez

Zack applies the discipline he learned from sports with the science of his education to deliver sessions that are tailored to his members specific needs.

Graham Cox

As Nova's certified TPI Golf instructor, Graham believes in strengthening the body and combining corrective work to minimize the risk of injury.

 Meet our team and learn more about Nova Health Club.


Frequently Asked Questions

About 1on1 Personal Training

  • Why should I choose one-on-one training when there are less expensive or free options available?

    It is all about customization and learning proper technique.

    Everything we do is designed to be tailored to your goals, needs and abilities. The cheaper your fitness becomes, the less customized it likely is. 

    Exercise videos are great for some people but it is definitely not a substitute for having a person watching you and providing you immediate feedback on form and technique.  Our coaches will watch and cue you every step of the way which not only prevents injuries but helps you achieve your goals more quickly.  

  • What can I expect during my first session?

    Your first meeting is a health consultation. The objective of this  session is to learn about your goals and to formulate a plan that fits your lifestyle.

    After your health consultation, your first workout will be an Initial Assessment. This is not fitness testing but rather an opportunity to evaluate how your body moves. This assessment allows us create a program more tailored to you that considers how well your body moves.

    Key components of the initial assessment include:

    • Joint mobiity and stability analysis
    • Movement proficiency
    • Breathing and core activation

  • How much time do I need to train?

    We offer personal training sessions that are either 30 or 60 minutes in length. We encourage anyone new to working out to begin with 60 minutes to allow proper form development. 

    In order to benefit from 30 minute sessions, we ask you to come early and fully warm-up before your start time.

  • When can I schedule my workouts?

    You will be given weekly recurring times for your sessions (referred to as your "Master Times"). Think of it as a weekly appointment for your workout. 

    But don't worry, if something comes up and you can't make your weekly Master Time we're always happy to reschedule your session or find you another 'Master Time' that works with your schedule.  

  • Do you offer nutritional support?

    Yes!  Nutrition combined with regular exercise is the most effective way to reach your health and fitness goals. Check out our page on Transformation Coaching and Nutrition Coaching for more info.  

  • Do I need to sign a long-term contract?

    No.  We invoice on a month-to-month basis and you can cancel at any time. 

  • What if I have to cancel my session?

    There is a minimum 24-hour cancellation notice for any workout session Monday through Friday and Saturday before 1:00 pm. Please note that because we are closed on  Sundays, this is not considered a business day. Therefore cancellations made on Sunday for Monday will result in a late cancel. 

    No-shows, late cancellations or schedule change with less than 24hrs notice will be charged the full amount for the missed session.

Optimize Your Health

Our team is dedicated to making your fitness goals accessible. We have a leading personal training gym in Oakville to help you reach those goals.
Check out a few recent articles to help you kickstart your fitness goals.

What Our Clients Say

Why Nova Health Club is trusted with your fitness

“My favorite thing about Nova personal training is the fun I have in each session. If I did not do this, I likely would not do it or dread having to figure it out on my own.”

- Jennifer

“I need the scheduled sessions to keep me on my program. It's easy to make an excuse in our busy lives to replace a workout with something else. Having Nova workouts blocked off in my calendar makes me accountable.”

- Todd

“TPI training at Nova improved my golf swing by addressing specific limitations by enhancing my flexibility, stability, and power generation. This tailored approach led to increased precision and distance in my shots."

- Shirley

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