Oakville Personal Training




Leaders in Personal Training and Health Coaching, Offering Both Online and In-Person Services to Transform Your Fitness Journey


Personalized Health and Fitness Coaching Based in Oakville, Ontario

  At Nova Health Club, our Kinesiology-based coaches focus on your functional movement, improving performance, and optimizing your health in a way best suited for you. Whether you want to increase your energy and feel healthier,   strengthen your core, lose weight, or improve your sport specific skills, our team will design the right individualized personal training program to meet your needs, wants and physical abilities. 

Professional Trainers

Our Kinesiology-based team of coaches understand how your body works allowing us to pay better attention to your needs.

Customized Programs

For a truly tailored experience that meets your goals, we understand that each person is unique, requiring a different approach in motivation, accountability and training.

Premium Facilities

Our state of the art fitness centre provides you with the equipment, amenities, and location for the ultimate training experience.


Whether your goal is to get stronger, increase energy or lose weight we will get you the results you want in as little as 30-90 days!

Our Services

Achieve your goals through expert training with our dedicated coaches, who have a strong background in kinesiology and a deep passion for promoting health. Elevate your fitness and boost your overall well-being with the Nova team!


Personalized fitness training empowers you to move better, feel incredible, and look your best. We offer the best in personal training, fascial stretch therapy and golf specific training.

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Lifestyle coaching and programs addressing areas that may be hindering progress, including weight loss, digestive health, sleep quality, and energy levels.

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Incorporating an individualized meal plan and supplement strategy that moves you to your goals even faster.

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We Do Golf Specific Training

TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) golf specific training is designed for the golfer who wants to elevate their game!

Each four-session program kicks off with an assessment, pinpointing swing limitations, followed by golf-specific exercises that improve posture and stabilizer strength for a better swing. Expert instruction and swing video analysis will guide you to better mobility, and strength resulting in more powerful drives.

Program Includes

  • 4 Session Package 
  • 1 Initial Movement Analysis
  • 3 Performance Sessions

What Our Clients Say

Why Nova Health Club is trusted with your fitness

"My favorite thing about Nova personal training is the fun I have in each session. If I did not do this, I would likely either not do it or dread having to figure it out on my own.”

- Jen

"Prior to joining Nova I worked out 6 times per week on my own. Working with Nova has not only helped my health and fitness but has saved me time - my most precious commodity. I highly endorse Nova for anyone who wants great results in the least amount of time spent working out.”


"I don't have a lot of equipment at the house, but Nova made great use of what I had. I remain particularly impressed at how the coaches can see and correct my form in virtual sessions.”

- Dave

Real Results

Check out some of our members and their personal success stories! 

By Nova Health Club 03 Oct, 2024
Congratulations to Jeanne on being our October SuperNova! Jeanne, a busy mom with a demanding career, joined Nova this past summer in search of better overall health. Her goals included improving body composition, boosting energy levels, becoming more resilient to stress and showing up as her best self for her family. Embracing Nova’s holistic approach, she began her journey by combining personal training with nutrition and lifestyle coaching through our Femme Fusion program. Success is rarely a straight path, and Jeanne is no exception. Despite the demands of work and family, she has achieved remarkable transformations in just 3 months. Here are just some of her accomplishments: Improved nutrition, energy, mood, stress resilience Started running again Hitting 10,000 steps a day Empowered her children and family to eat healthier Dropped nearly 10% body fat on the InBody! Deadlift from 45lbs to 95lbs reps of 8! The list goes on… Congrats Jeanne, you are a great example of what’s possible when we believe in ourselves and are open to try new things. Read on to hear our interview with Jeanne and some specific strategies she employed! 1)What motivated you to start your health & fitness journey with Nova Health Club? “I was feeling stressed, heavy, low energy and irritable. I wanted a change but didn't know where to start so I inquired with Nova Health Club through their website and had an introductory call with Josh to steer me in the right direction.” 2)What strategies or habits do you believe were the most helpful to your success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? “The combination of Nova workouts and nutrition learned from Heather in Femme Fusion are great compliments for me. Heather supported me to know what to do and what not to do. For example, I was eating a lot of things which weren't necessarily good for me but didn't know it. Having the accountability both from my Nova trainers for exercise and Heather, my health coach and seeing them on a weekly basis helped me very much… Also, I increased my activity by making sure I stick to getting 10k steps a day!” 3)In what ways has your life improved beyond fitness and health? Have you been able to do new things that you could not before or has it positively impacted the lives of others you care about? "My mood has improved so much. I’m more active and productive, and I’m really more engaged with my kids. What’s even better is that the whole family is now paying attention to what we eat, especially the kids!" I’ve even managed to get a couple of evening runs in, which I haven’t been able to do in years. But overall, my energy levels have really gone up, and I’m getting so much more done in the same amount of time!" 4)Many people worry that combining fitness with nutrition and health coaching will be overwhelming. What advice would you share to inspire others to take this step?" “My only regret is not doing it sooner. I had tried mostly fitness before, but I feel adding nutrition and health to it (sleep and stress management is very big for me) really compounds the effect. It becomes a good habit instead of a struggle dragging myself to the gym as it used to be.” A Note from Heather, Femme Fusion Health Coach: “Jeanne's success makes me so happy! Her success is directly related to her willingness to try new things, and her dedication to implementing them. The most important lesson for most people is understanding HOW to put themselves first - Jeanne has made significant changes in this department, and has recognized that putting herself first helps take even better care of the whole family's needs. Jeanne has lost inches, gained energy and excels at thinking about what she needs to continue to improve. I am happy to be working with someone like her. She is an inspiration to everyone including myself!”
By info 05 Sep, 2024
Congratulations to Jeremy on being our September SuperNova! Jeremy has been a dedicated member of Nova since our days on Thomas St years ago. Over that time, we've seen his deep connection to fitness, not only through his intense efforts in the gym but also by introducing his children to fitness, bringing them to workouts, and his participation in triathlons. His children still come with him and his wife to their Saturday morning workouts and this past summer Jeremey completed challenges such as: June 2024: Guelph sprint triathlon in 1h 40 mins (750m swim, 19km bike, 5km run) July 2024: Grimsby sprint triathlon in under 2 hours (500m swim, 25km bike, 5km run) July 2024: Owen Sound olympic triathlon in 3 hours (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run) August 2024: 5km open swim (1hr 30 mins) Jeremy does all of this amidst managing a very busy work, family and personal schedule. He works full time in health care and still makes time for personal hobbies such as improv and writing. We are proud to recognize Jeremy this month for his accomplishments. Read our interview with Jeremy below to hear more about his experience and some specific strategies he employed to achieve this recognition: ______ 1)You have been training with Nova for 10 years! Where do you draw your motivation from to be so consistent with exercise as part of your lifestyle? That's a fast ten years! I find that routine takes care of motivation. With too much time and options, every decision becomes arbitrary, then doesn't get done. I tend to get organized by deadlines and expectations, so for me, having a set training schedule takes away the question of "Do I want to?" by just having a time to show up. Working out with my wife and daughters has also been a great motivator--I'm trying to be more of a fitness role model than I grew up with and don't want to let them down. 2)In that time you’ve done a few triathlons but in the last year you have ramped up the number of triathlons significantly. What is your WHY behind doing these events and how have you been able to manage training consistently for these amidst a busy work and family schedule? I got into triathlons when I hit 40. Shaken by middle-age, I have been inspired by the thought: What else can this body of mine do? As I've completed one event, another goal shows up on the horizon: Can I do it again? What about longer? What about faster? I usually sign up for the next event the same day I've finished the last (while I'm still in a state of shock). Once committed, fear kicks in which pushes me into the extra training. I leaned into Peloton classes and wearing a Garmin, both remind me of what I have/haven't done--the gamification of it all can be both nagging and rewarding. In terms of time, I'm coming to accept that I'm not someone who likes to be idle. I'm really not a lying-on-the-beach vacation guy, and I've found that doing too little feels worse than too much. I've kept the long runs/bikes to the weekends and try for another two bike-run combos in the evenings on non-Nova days. 3)Can you share some key strategies or habits that helped you achieve your success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? I think that a focus at Nova on core strength, cross-body and single-limb exercises has done well in reducing back and pelvic stiffness that used to hold me back. Squatting in particular has helped me stabilize much better. Stretching, protein supplementation, and permission to take time off when the body asks, have all played roles too. 4)What goals do you have your sights set on going forward in the next year and beyond? I swam in high school, so for me the runs in triathlons are definitely the biggest hurdle. I'd like to try for a half-Ironman in the next few years but that will require significant endurance improvement, so maybe a half-marathon next spring to start. I'm also curious about trying a 10 km swim next summer in either Caledon or Niagara.
By info 02 Aug, 2024
Congratulations to Joel Clark on being our August SuperNova! Joel has always led an active lifestyle, engaging in workouts, Pilates, and various sports. However, in the past year, he made a couple of simple lifestyle changes that significantly improved his health. He eliminated alcohol and sugar—two common elements in our culture and most of our diets. Along with his regular workouts, these changes helped him lose nearly 15 pounds and reduce his body fat percentage. This demonstrates how even small nutritional adjustments can yield a significant return on investment toward achieving your goals. More noticeable, however, is the change in Joel's mindset. He has become super focused on his goals, consistently sticking to the basics, and embracing new experiences like cold plunging. Congratulations, Joel, on being our Supernova of the Month! Read on to hear our interview with Joel and some specific strategies he employed to achieve this recognition: 1)In the last year you have made some breakthroughs on your progress. What are you most proud of and what has been the most challenging? I’m most proud of being able to maintain a daily discipline and to be committed to a daily plunging routine without missing a day for over a year. The toughest part has been traveling - being able to keep a discipline when out of sync with my daily schedule. 2)You have been a Nova member for almost 10 years. Where do you draw your motivation from to be so consistent with exercise as part of your lifestyle? Exercise has always been an important part of my daily life. Specifically Nova has a great community of coaches that have consistently been amazing over the 10 years. I need the accountability of someone telling me what to do or I won’t do it. 3)Can you share some key strategies or habits that helped you achieve your success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? Willpower is a depleting asset throughout the day. The tank is most full in the morning and empty at night. All personal exercise and care happens in the early morning. No excuses then. 4)What goals do you have your sights set on going forward in your life? At 50 I'm just under half way through my life. I want to live the next 50 years in balance. Be able to work, enjoy my lifestyle, hang with family and friends for as long as I can. 
By info 30 Jun, 2024
Congratulations to Christine Peters, our July SuperNova! Christine has been a long time member training consistently 3x/wk. Recently she stacked a few lifestyle habits on top of her training which skyrocketed her results! Here are some of the highlights: Since January she has dropped 5% body fat and 10lbs of not total weight but fat! Incorporated additional movement outside of her workouts ( NEAT ). Learned about macronutrient type, timing and amount Rehabbed a shoulder and hip to setting personal bests in squats and push ups! We askedChristine about her success and some specific strategies she used. Here is what she had to say: 1) As one of our longest members, what has helped you stay so dedicated to your fitness routine and continuing to train with Nova? I believe it is the professional, knowledgeable Nova trainers and the consistency of the workouts that have kept me dedicated. 2) In the last few months you have made some significant breakthroughs with your health and fitness. Can you share some key strategies or habits that helped you achieve your success? Any specific workouts, diets, or routines that made a significant difference? Zack and I spent quite a bit of time discussing a healthy diet relating to fat loss and muscle mass. He certainly helped me dispel some of my old beliefs on what losing weight looks like now. He was also full of suggestions on eating a clean diet with some weekend exceptions which made it more of a lifestyle diet. I have also added Pilates three times a week and horseback riding. Adding other activities has made exercising more enjoyable. 3) In what ways have you noticed positive changes in areas outside of fitness such as in your mental well-being, energy levels, or overall confidence? I definitely have more energy. I also believe working out has helped my stress levels immensely as well. 4)Now that you have momentum with your fitness and see your goals coming to fruition, do you notice that you are starting to look beyond your original goal? If so, what new goals are you starting to set your sights on that you want to achieve next? I just am grateful to now understand how diet and exercise truly work when combined in the right way. I don’t have any real goals but am committed to continue on the fat loss, muscle gain journey. __________ We are very proud of Christine and she's an example of what happens when you have the right combination of exercise with nutrition. If you want to get better body composition results, take note of two things Christine has highlighted: 1) NEAT - Non Exercise Active Thermogenesis and 2)Macronutrient type, timing and amount Want to learn how these basic principles can enhance your results and the make the most of your existing workout plan? Check out our Lifestyle Coaching programs.
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Transformation Coaching

Our transformation program is our highest level 1on1 coaching service available. It begins with a 12 week foundational nutrition and lifestyle plan that evolves each week as you progress. If you are struggling with fat loss, cravings, lack of energy, poor sleep or digestion this program is for you!

Program Options

  • 12 Week Foundations Program - 1hr coaching call 1x/wk
  • Monthly ongoing support - 1/2hr coaching calls 1x/wk
  • Online Group Coaching Program - Coming Soon!

We Work With You Through All Stages of Life

 Whether you are looking to get fit, build strength, improve your sport, lose weight, sleep better or increase energy, we look forward to working with you!

Busy Professionals

We know how hard it is to find time just to workout let alone trying to workout correctly. We save you time by creating efficient workout sessions designed for results.


Fitness training is even more important as you age. We cater to all age groups, helping you maintain mobility and functional strength throughout your years.


Living pain free means living with freedom to do the things you love to do. We focus on both preventive and rehabilitative training so that your body continues to work the way it should.

Parents @ Home

Prioritizing your own health not only enables you to care for others but also sets a positive example for those you hold dear.

Melissa Fillion


  • Life should be lived to the fullest and with purpose

  • Health is the foundation of life

  • The future of health is preventative

  • Each person requires a personalized plan based on their unique profile

  • Health and wellness industries must integrate all lifestyle components


Optimize Your Health

Our team is dedicated to making your fitness goals accessible. We have a leading personal training gym in Oakville to help you reach those goals.

Check out a few recent articles to help you kickstart your fitness goals.

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