“To redefine the fitness industry by evolving into holistic health coaches who transform lives and operate in the 'blue space' where competition is irrelevant.”
This is our company vision and I would like to share some perspective behind this vision and how it impacts you as someone in our Nova Community.
25 Years Experience
I started personal training in the year 2000 when I was 20 years old.
When I started personal training in 2000 I was a trainer who only knew about exercise. My 4 years studying Kinesiology at University only taught me about human movement. My knowledge in areas such as nutrition, mental health or sleep was next to nothing.
I also never had any health adversity that would have ever taught me anything other than how to workout. Like most young personal trainers, I had high energy, ate whatever I wanted and could do things like party till 2am drinking alcohol.
It was not until I was 30 years old (10 years into my personal training) that I started to see that health was more than just working out. I started noticing unfavorable changes in my metabolism, ability to recover and stress levels. When I was 36 years old, severe burn out brought my health to a screeching halt. It took me 5 years to recover from this and during this time is when I connected the dots to health and really started to appreciate what my clients needed.
Personal Trainer to Health Coach
As a young personal trainer who trained a clientele with the average age of 50 I only focused on how to ‘train’ a client with exercise. As I matured I realized that exercise was only a small part of my responsibility to my clients and if I continued to only focus on that, I would be creating a disservice to them. I started to observe things with my clients that proved my point.
For example, the 6am high stress client who had a poor sleep needed a specific type of workout at 6am and coaching on how to sleep and manage stress. The client who was always getting injured needed support with stress, recovery and nutrition - not just rehab training. The client who was struggling with weight loss did not need more working out, they needed support in the other areas of their health like digestion, insulin management and sleep.
My biggest epiphany came to me when I realized that few of my clients were reaching their goals. I had clients that had the same goal year after year with little progress towards it.
Sure they were active but the working out was not making as much impact in their lives as it could if I connected the dots for them. This did not sit well with me and was not the legacy I wanted to leave behind.
I started changing the tune of how to ‘train’ my clients. Though my sessions were founded on getting a ‘workout’, my priority was to support them as much as possible in areas OUTSIDE of fitness that I call the 5 Pillars of Health. Because I realized that what happens outside the gym determines what happens in the gym and ultimately the results and transformations that people wanted.
The ‘5 Pillars of Health’
The Wellness Revolution
Wellness is a holistic term which takes the 5 Pillars of Health into consideration. Personal trainers focus on fitness, but fitness is just one piece of the puzzle. Without addressing the other elements of holistic health, fitness alone will fall short of taking you as far as you want to go or resolving the core issues that led you to start your fitness journey in the first place.
Fitness is a gateway to wellness and is probably the best place to start. That is why people see their personal trainers multiple times each week and not their doctors. Personal trainers therefore have a larger responsibility than they know. But the industry is changing and Nova Health Club is going in the direction of wellness.
That is why our name is Nova Health Club and not Nova Fitness. We want to create a massive impact in your life by supporting you beyond just working out. To do this our vision is to evolve from personal trainers to health coaches.
Fitness will always be at our core, but as we grow, we seek coaches with a holistic approach to training. Nova ‘Health Coaches’ will be equipped to support you in the 5 Pillars of Health, going beyond simply pushing you to work out harder. We are also going to continue expanding our programs and services to offer more support in nutrition, sleep, stress and mindset.
The Blue Space
One of our core values is ‘Excellence’. This means we have the desire to do great things and stand apart from the rest. We are confident that achieving our vision of redefining the industry as holistic health coaches will take us into an area that we refer to as the ‘Blue Space’.
The name ‘Nova’ means ‘new’ and the ‘Blue Space’ is new unchartered territory where few people and companies go to. As industry leaders it is our long term vision to move in this direction, exploring new areas of health coaching that have never been done before.
We’re excited to be on this journey and invite you to join us, moving closer to your true potential and living your healthiest life yet!
The Nova Health Club Vision:
“To redefine the fitness industry by evolving into holistic health coaches who transform lives and operate in the 'blue space' where competition is irrelevant.”
The Randall Residences
298 Randall Street
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 1R1
Monday-Thursday 6am-8pm
Fri:day 6am-6pm
Saturday: 7am-4pm
Sunday: Closed
Copyright ©2023 Nova Health Club