With Halloween just behind us, candy is still everywhere - especially if you have children who were out trick or treating.
We all know that candy is unhealthy and we are aware of sugar's detrimental effects on our health, from weight gain to cavities...
But what if I told you the risks in eating Halloween candy go beyond weight gain and cavities?
While sugar is certainly a concern, other ingredients in many popular candies can also pose great risks to your health and well-being.
The Deceptive Allure of Halloween Treats
While eating Halloween candy can be a nostalgic pleasure, the ingredients list often tells a different story.
I personally love Halloween but about 6 years ago I went clean and gave up Halloween candy for good because I learned it is much more than a sugar problem…
Beyond the sugar are ingredients like hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, titanium dioxide, and common allergens like wheat, corn, dairy, and soy.
These ingredients can wreak havoc on our bodies, leading to a host of negative health effects that most consumers overlook.
Beware: 5 Ingredients in Halloween Candy With Negative Health Effects
1. Hydrogenated Oils: Hidden Fats
2. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): The Sweet Saboteur
3. Artificial Colors: A Rainbow of Risks
4. Titanium Dioxide: The White Truth
5. Allergens: Hidden Dangers for Sensitive Individuals
The Scary Reality
Halloween is a fun time but we’ve really thrown in the towel when it comes to our health. We've bought into the idea of buying the cheapest lowest quality candies to give to our children.
Most, if not all of the mainstream candy companies produce products that are high in chemicals to preserve shelf life, to entice our eyeballs and to stimulate our brain to want more the moment it hits our palette.
We've also bought into the idea that it's ok because it is just once a year but the reality is that this food is everywhere all the time. If it was just one day on Oct 31 sure, but most children are coming home with more than 10lbs of candy that they consume over the next 30 days.
It’s no wonder why so many of us suffer with health issues including our children. Modern children are beig diagnosed with more health problems then previous generations. Things like childhood depression/anxiety, food allergies, ADHD, autism, eczema and obesity are just some of the things we are seeing more of.
Stay Vigilant and Read Labels
Can we blame our poor health all on Halloween candy? Certainly not - it's more than just candy in October however the amount of candy with the above ingredients being consumed during Halloween and through the year is definitely a contributor.
So when it comes to candy, yes watch out for the sugar but it’s time to wake up to the other ingredients that are damaging us. The best thing to do is read the labels and be aware of what you choose to consume. And hopefully in time we choose to buy 'treats' that are not filled with chemicals.
Next year, choose to buy healthier options versus the mainstream candy we grew up with.
The Randall Residences
298 Randall Street
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 1R1
Monday-Thursday 6am-8pm
Fri:day 6am-6pm
Saturday: 7am-4pm
Sunday: Closed
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