Oakville Fitness Training Programs

Let us customize a program for you

Personalized Fitness Training 
(In Person)

To give you the best Nova experience, each personal training journey begins with a health consultation in person or over the phone. The objective of this discovery session is to learn about your goals and to formulate a plan that fits your lifestyle. A comprehensive consultation will center around your goals, current health, injury and exercise history.  

After your health consultation, your first workout will be an Initial Assessment. This is not fitness testing but rather an opportunity to understand your body's movement patterns. The initial assessment evaluates joint mobility and stability, breathing, core function and your ability to perform foundational exercises.

Your health and safety is our top priority therefore we use heart rate monitoring to see how hard you are exercising. It is mandatory for each member to use a heart rate monitor to better gauge exercise intensity and to provide a better learning experience on how your body works. 

Two important systems exist at Nova that will help you reach your goals:
  1. Rotational Coaching. If you train more than one time a week, you train with two different coaches. Think of it like having two doctors collaborating in your best interest - still following the same program but each bringing their unique perspective and personality to your sessions.

  2. Progress Tracking. Soon after starting you will establish your fitness benchmark. This is a time to see strengths and weaknesses in your fitness. This profile is designed to evaluate your body composition (muscle and fat mass), cardiovascular fitness, agility, core and muscular strength. In order to hold you and us accountable, we re-evaluate your progress every three months.
  • One on One (1 Hour)
  • One on One (½ Hour)
  • Doubles Training (1 Hour)
  • No long-term commitment
Packages are renewed monthly and based on how many times per week you are training with a coach. For example, if a member trains 3 times a week, it is 12 sessions per month. 

Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a table-based stretch protocol lead by an FST certified coach. FST focuses on the fascia surrounding each muscle. Using techniques such as breathing, traction and proprioceptive-neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), the goal of FST is to increase joint mobility. Other benefits include: 


  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Decreased stress
  • Increased blood flow, improved circulation
  • Reduced pain
  • Increased strength


If you are experiencing pain, tightness and/or a loss of range of motion book your FST session today.


  • Fascial Stretch Therapy (½ Hour)
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy (1 Hour)
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy (1.5 Hour)
  • Available in 5-Packs or Drop-In


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Nutrition & Transformation

Health Coaching

Nutrition combined with regular exercise is the most effective way to reach your health and fitness goals. Every good meal is an investment in; how you feel in the short term, how you look in the mid term and your health in the long term. How online nutrition coaching works:

COMMUNICATION. Phone and email are the primary tools of communication. Occasionally a video call can be scheduled. 

FOOD TRACKING. We will teach you how to use a trusted food tracking app so that we can see your nutrition habits and provide feedback in real time.

ACCOUNTABILITY. The key to your success in nutrition is clear goals knowing that your coach will be there to support you along the way.

SUSTAINABILITY. Nutrition should not be an all or none thing. We will help you make sustainable changes that are realistic for you to accomplish and maintain once coaching comes to an end.


What are your current nutrition challenges? Send us a message here to book your FREE introductory phone call. Learn more about our exclusive Transformation Health Coaching program here.

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Body Composition Analysis

Losing weight is important at times however losing body fat and increasing muscle mass is of higher relevance when it comes to health and to those really serious about fat loss. Our InBody scan provides a comprehensive view of body muscle and fat mass. With 8 electrode points, it is one of the most accurate measuring tools on the market today.

Other key measurements made by the InBody are: 

  • Hydration Level 
  • Basal Metabolic Rate: This is the number of calories needed by the body at rest in a 24 hour period. 
  • Segmental Lean Analysis - Comparing muscle and fat mass on your right side vs left side.

Packages Available: 

Weekly 3-Month Package 

Weekly 3-Month Package with Nutrition Counselling

Drop-In Sessions (approximately 15 minutes)

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Health and Fitness Tools

Vitamin & Mineral Supplements - Most people are not getting the necessary amounts of some vitamins and minerals even when they are eating healthy. Our modern day food quality and busy, quick food lifestyles demand extra support. We research every product we recommend to ensure it meets our highest quality and standards.
  • Kaizen Protein Powder Supplements (Vegan and Whey)
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fish Oil Supplement
  • Magnesium 
Heart Rate Sensors - Heart rate monitoring is the best ways to measure, objectively in real time, the intensity of your workout. Work smarter not harder by knowing when to take heart rate up or down.
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To improve the quality of your life by delivering the most customized personal training experience that meets your needs, wants, and abilities. 



While aging is inevitable, we have a choice between physical degeneration or health. Educating and inspiring people to choose a lifestyle that promotes a functional life as we age is at the root of everything we do.  


Whether your goal is to be more productive in a day, have energy to play with your children, become stronger or improve your sport specific skills, each Nova session is designed to make your body and mind work better at what matters most in your life.


The human body is complex. An integrated approach to achieving goals takes into consideration a person's needs, wants and abilities. We believe that what happens in your life outside of the health club is just as important as what happens inside.


The art and science of human movement is the foundation of our programming. The Nova Health Club team takes pride in evolving our personal training services with the most current research.


We embrace the future of health and wellness through technological changes in the industry. Integrating software, wearables and analysis of health metrics will allow for a complete picture of what each individual needs. 








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